
Create links to specific quotes on the Web -> DEEPQUOTE

Deep Quote

Po prostu rewelacja, wpisujemy cytat i adres, a nowy krótszy adres odsyła nas dokładnie w miejsce cytatu na stronie! Sprawdź sam!

Działa na www i jako rozszerzenie FF, Flocka, Opery i IE oraz jako zakładka w javascript

jeśli irytuje cię adres typu : http://deepquote.net/m1p9t1r3rawe, to możesz go skrócić na http://miniurl.pl/

powered by performancing firefox

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FIREFOX EXTENSIONS: more useful tools...

These are especially useful in Google crawling, you can see the results clearly, get info from WIKIPEDIA instantly and browse websites in results view...

RightSearch 0.1,
Fredrik Savje,
released on Jul 2, 2006

Send marked text to certain page, e.g. search engines.

GoogleTabs 2.2
Christopher Finke,
released on Jun 14, 2006

Adds a context menu option to open Google search results in tabs.
Compatible with the following searches: Web, Images, News, Groups,
Froogle, Scholar, and Local; also compatible with Google Group
homepages (Open All Topics) and Google News homepage (Open All News

Googlepedia 0.3.2,by James Hall, released on Jun 3, 2006

Shows you a relevant Wikipedia article along with your search
results. Clicking links in the article will trigger new Google
searches, making it a very useful research tool.

BetterSearch 1.12, by Carlo Zottmann, released on Jun 13, 2006

An extension for Firefox which enhances Google (all international
flavours, too), MSN Search, Yahoo Search, A9, Answers.com, AllTheWeb,
Dogpile.com, del.icio.us and Simpy.com bookmarks by adding previews
(thumbnails) and Amazon product images and info (type, price, rating)
as well as "Open in New Window", "Site Info", "Wayback Machine" links
and a Quick Preview feature to the search results. Supports
anonymization of all Alexa.com thumbnail calls. Until v1.7,

BetterSearch was named McSearchPreview.

Coogle 0.11,byRenaud Richard,released on Jul 17, 2006
Colors in Google search results.
Simple Firefox extension that highlights search terms in webpages
brought up through Google.com's search. That means that instead of
having to look for the terms in the page's text or to independently use
the function 'find,' your browser will do it automatically for you.

powered by performancing firefox

FIREFOX EXTENSIONS: those really useful...

Password Exporter 1.0.4,by Justin Scott,released on Jul 20, 2006

This extension allows you to export and import your saved passwords
and rejected sites between computers. Your passwords will be exported
to an XML or CSV file and can be encrypted.

Gmail Skins 0.9.6,byMatthew Parker,released on Jun 27, 2006

Skins and other extra features for Gmail.

Bumble Search 1.2,byAndy Mitchell,released on Jul 20, 2006

Bumble Search is a Firefox extension that mashes up the web for ultra efficient web browsing.

It is bringing the power of Web 2.0 back to the browser.

WikiPedia Lookup Extension 0.2.3,byEspen Dallokken,released on Jul 17, 2006

Lookups up the selected word in the Wikipedia encyclopedia in the language specified in your user preferences.

SearchWith 0.2,bySoyapi Mumba,released on Jul 14, 2006

Search selected text with various search services.

Copy as HTML Link 1.0,byJustin Watt,released on May 24, 2006

Creates an HTML link to the current page using the selected text and

copies it (into the clipboard) for pasting into other applications.

Jeteye,byJeteye Technologies, Inc.,

released on Jun 27, 2006

Jeteye Jetpaks, Better Bookmarks to organize your web.

CLICK! to capture a web page to link to your blog or email 0.82,by
Jack Murphy,
released on Jun 24, 2006

Take a snapshot of any web page. Powered by snapshot.jkn.com

powered by performancing firefox

UNLOCKER: zbawienie dla porządkujących pliki...

Windows skutecznie utrudnia operacje na plikach otwartych nawet jesli otwarte nie są:)

Komunikat nie można usunąć pliku, gdyż jest używany przez inną osobę lub program... przestaje irytować po zainstalowaniu tego programiku: UNLOCKER